LISA! Kielimatkat

LISA! English course in Sliema - Malta | 13 - 19 years | 2 weeks £854

Ma - Pe — 09:00 - 18:00

LISA! English courses for teenagers in Malta

The Mediterranean island Malta lies south of Sicily.  Teenagers from all over the world spend their holidays here in order to learn English, bathe in the sea and to soak up the sun. We also offer language courses for the whole family in Malta.

Please choose:

  1. Price tip: English in Sliema is our course for teenagers at the lowest cost
  2. A Level crash course: the optimal preparation course for A Level examinations
  3. English in a 4 star resort: English at a holiday resort by the sea at Salina Beach

Dear parents,

here you find an overview over our language courses in Malta in 2017. LISA! language courses for teenagers in Malta are quality supervised language courses for teenagers.

Please feel free to send us an email or give us a call (Tel: 01256 – 808212 or +44 1256 – 808212 from outside the UK). Together, we'll discuss your son or daughter, their interests and hobbies and their progress in language classes at school. What do they see themselves doing in the future?

Following our friendly chat, we will then send you one or more non-binding quotes along with detailed advice about which destination we feel would be right for your child. With our help, your son or daughter could be speaking one or more foreign languages fluently within the next couple of years!

The LISA! Team



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