LISA! Kielimatkat

LISA! English coures in London - budget for 2 weeks | 16 Plus | £788

Ma - Pe — 09:00 - 18:00


The quickest way for children and teenagers to learn a foreign language is a professional language course in an English speaking country e.g. England, Malta or Ireland. LISA! Language courses are premium classes for studying abroad. We guarantee international groups, a full LISA! free time programme, the language course, the accommodation as well as flight transfers, and these are all included in the price.

Specialist advice: 01256-808212

Zwei fröhliche Schülerinnen bei einer Sprachreise Englisch, umgeben von bunten Luftballons.


LISA! English courses for teenagers 2017

  1.     — Many of our destinations are by the sea, 20 years of experience
  2.     — Our great free time programme is developed by professional holiday guides
  3.     — Intensive supervision, 24hr emergency number for parents for all destinations

Similar: English course for adults
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Teenagers from 16 years have the opportunity to participate in a 16-plus-programme. There is no supervision or diverse free time programme with these types of language courses. Language courses for teenagers from 16 years are therefore lower in cost. They are for students who already have knowledge of the language and would also like to learn English with older participants.

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